Richmond Kitchen Cabinet Painting and Refinishing

Or Call: 604-724-6837

Cabinet Painting in Richmond, BC

Why choose us to refinish your kitchen cabinets?

Some very real reasons to choose Richmond Kitchen Cabinet Painters when getting your kitchen cabinets refinished or re-painted.  35 years of painting kitchen  cabinets.  That’s a good start.  We also are the only ones  with a dedicated website to kitchen cabinet painting and refinishing.  Everyone else has a single page, on a general painting site,   stating that they do, among other things, kitchen cabinet painting.  We specialize in cabinetry painting.  It’s all we do.  We also are the only company that has a ton of videos online showing customer testimonials and different ‘scene from a jobsite’ type video where you get to see how certain aspects of cabinet painting is done.  If that wasn’t enough we also have 45 perfect 5 Star legitimate Google reviews with customers raving about our service.   Last but not least we are the friendliest crew you could ever meet….made  up of a husband and wife team.  

20,000 Colours For Richmond Cabinet Refinishing

The most popular whites and off whites we have used for Richmond cabinet painting are: Cloud White, Chantilly Lace, Oxford White, Dove White.  All Benjamin Moore Colours.

Free Quote & Consultations

We would be happy to give you a free quote and cabinet painting consulation so please don’t hesitate to call 604-PAINTER (604) 724-6837 or email


Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing In Richmond BC.

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Richmond For 30 Years. Aiyooo!

No cabinet painting company in Richmond BC has been more dedicated to the fine art of kitchen cabinet painting and refinishing than Richmond Kitchen Cabinet Painting.  Our customer base reaches far and wide so it was with great joy and a true sense of accomplishment when we got our first Chinese video testimonial from  “Alice”.   The owner of Richmond Kitchen Cabinet Painting….Rick Anderson, knows just enough Cantonese to know that she was saying nice things about the job and experience she just had with Richmod Kitchen Cabinet Painting. For costs on cabinet refinishing in Richmond you can click here


Epoxy Kitchen Cabinets

Recent Epoxy Cabinet Painting Jobs Completed By Richmond Kitchen Cabinet Painting & Refinishing



"We had a very positive experience with Rick and Christina. Our kitchen turned out fantastic! " --Carson Sedun-- 05/2020 (Google)

Client Since 1995

"I must say that Rick and Cristina did a great job. They are both extremely reliable and their price was very reasonable." --Monigue Brunel-- 06/2020 Google

Client Since 1995

"Rick is incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and great to deal with. " --Corey Jackson-- 04/2020 Google

Client Since 1995

"Rick and Cristina were awesome and efficient . They were prompt, super friendly and professional with helpful suggestions. . Prices were great too . Thanks so much" --Elizabeth K-- 04/2020 Google.

Client Since 1995

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Or Call: 604-724-6837